Please join me for an new Meet Up Writing Therapy Group that meets in Palo Alto currently on 1-2 Monday evenings a month. The group meets for two hours and fifteen minutes. In this group, we create a safe space to write and share. No critiquing of the writing occurs, rather, there is support discussion about meaning, and appreciation of each other. This is a supportive community of writers who want to use writing for healing. I usually bring a poem or a line from a poem as a prompt and a
warm-up writing exercise. Men and women are welcome but at the moment we are all women. Please call me at 415-273-1036 to discuss your interest in the group and for more information. Or go to the meet up page for my group. No previous writing experience needed!

From past members of my writing groups:

For me this group helps my work come alive and my voice to be heard. It validates my right to write
despite my inner critic. Phyllis is supportive, empathic, and quite skillful in facilitating the group. She brings the most delightful poems and themes as diving boards from which we can jump off and explore the unknown sea inside us.

Thank you for the safety of your place that cultivates the courage to create beauty.

Liked: safety, self discovery through response, connection.
Improve: 0